"The combination of the dancers' unique relationship and Spackman's mesmerising style of movement makes for a performance that is technically excellent, but also filled with an emotional vitality that leaves us desperate for it not to end."

- The Scotsman

Two Thirds Sky was founded in 2005, by Artistic Director Lisa Risdale as a platform for developing new dance production, performance and thinking. Primarily concerned with moving bodies in space, the company’s work is a dialogue between action, feeling and the visual image. The company strive for new modes of expression in order to relate a dance idea to contemporary audiences. Projects to date have included the use of cinematic forms, live music, design and voice.

Lisa Risdale describes the choreographic process as "a way of absorbing, re-expressing and intensifying everyday experience, until the moving 'rhythmic' body becomes a visceral projection of complex human sensation.” 

Two Thirds Sky initiates fresh work and responds to commissions with a particular focus on the relationship between heritage, environment and performance making. This has lead to projects made for outdoor spaces, with video technology and for theatre.

Copyright © Two Thirds Sky 2023

Twitter @two_thirds_sky
Instagram @twothirdsskydance

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